Purdue FIRST Forums 2020 Sessions

3D Printing and CAD
FRC Mechanical FTC
This will be a Q&A forum on Autodesk CAD programs and 3D printers.  We'll talk issues, upgrades, and anything else people have questions about.  
FTC Team 14400 Space Cadets
A-B-C's of Robot Self Inspection
Mechanical Electrical & Controls FTC
An effective robot inspection is more than just following a checklist. Learn how robot inspection should be done, and how to make this year's self-inspection a valuable experience. 
Advocacy 101
Outreach Marketing FTC FRC Business
Join Chris Osborne to learn how your team can help advocate for the growth of FIRST statewide with your locally elected officials, statewide legislation, and policy. Learn how to meet your elected officials, talk with elected officials, and how to help FIRST Indiana Robotics achieve our goal of a statewide grant program for FIRST.
Assistive Technology in FIRST
FRC Mechanical Electrical & Controls Software Marketing Outreach
This presentation is a great place for FIRST teams who want to get involved with assistive technology. You will learn how to incorporate AT into your team and start working on assistive technology projects. We will look at different avenues your team can take in the assistive technology field as well as projects other FIRST teams have done. This is a great way to impact your community and help people while learning throughout the process. 
Basic Java Programming
Software FTC
FTC Team 8791 Green Machine
Basics of the Engineering Notebook
Business Marketing FTC
How to plan and properly document both technical and non-technical tasks, including the business plan, game strategy, design process, and engineering portfolio.
FTC Team 12043 Power Surge
Beyond Diversity: How to Foster an Actively Inclusive Environment
FRC Mentoring Leadership FTC
Welcome to Inclusion and Diversity 201! We know that diversity is important and essential for a high-performing team, but what does that look like in practice? Join us during this session to create a roadmap to help your team become a more inclusive space for your students, mentors, parents, volunteers, and community members.
Business Plans for FTC
Business FTC
How to create a useful business plan and keep it small enough to fit in your engineering portfolio!  Information presented can be used to create a basic FRC Business plan, too!
Business Strategies for a Sustainable FRC Team
FRC Business
This presentation will detail the components of a successful business team and its relation with a successful FRC team. It will give teams better insight on grants, sponsor letters, sponsor calls, sponsor visits, and more. If your team is new and wants to build a good business team or if you are a veteran team and want to improve what you already have, this is a great place for you.
Danny's Hyper Active Q&A
FRC Mechanical Electrical & Controls Software Business Marketing Outreach Leadership FTC Fun!
In years past guests have packed the classrooms to hear this wonderful keynote* presentation, this year its open to EVERYONE through the power of a slightly Twitchy Zoom!!!!

Join Danny and the audience on this interactive journey and we tackle questions like "Is there life is space?", "is gravity an illusion?", "is a hot dog a sandwich?" or "which are cooler, dragons or dinosaurs?"

This will be an fun, fast paced, interactive session, so bring some outlandish questions and be ready to dive in!!!!!!!!!

* this is not the official keynote presentation.
FIRST in College
FRC Mentoring Leadership FTC Volunteers
Learn about mentoring and volunteering opportunities, benefits of staying involved in FIRST, and a little more about PFP in general!
FIRST Team Issue Resolution
FRC Mentoring Leadership FTC
This is a presentation focusing on addressing and dealing with robodrama (issues, politics, etc.) within your robotics team.  Andy has been involved in FIRST teams since 1992, witnessing and experiencing many issues.
FRC / FTC Referee Q&A
An open-ended session with FRC/FTC referee, Logan Byers. Ask about the upcoming FTC season, past FTC/FRC seasons, what it's like to be a FIRST referee, etc.
FRC Pneumatics 101
FRC Mechanical Electrical & Controls
Learn about the basics of pneumatics used on FIRST Robotics robots. 
FTC Build Basics
Mechanical FTC
A basic rundown of the common build techniques/designs for FTC teams.

Would focus on spotlighting build systems from various vendors as well as common materials  found in most hardware stores.
FTC League Play Update & What to Expect at Competitions
FTC Indiana Program Delivery Partner Partner Lori Hall will be giving an update on the Competition Model for the 2020-21 Season and what can be expected at a competition for both Remote Events and In-Person Events
FTC Remote Judging - Introduction & Overview
Business FTC
An introduction to what remote interviews will look like for the 2020-2021 season.
FTC Remote Judging - Presenting Virtually in FTC
Business Marketing FTC
In this presentation we hope to offer helpful insights to consider when planning, setting up, and executing your first virtual judging presentation in FTC. We will cover topics ranging from what you'll need to participate in a remote judging interview to how you can expect to be able to convey your information to judges in a remote setting. 
FTC Team 12835 Pixelated
FTC Round Table Discussion
Mentoring FTC
Ideal for New/Rookie Coaches and those who still feel like a rookie coach!  Along with FTC/FRC Mentor Peyton Yeung, long-time FTC Mentor Darrin Wilcoxson and FIRST Senior Mentor Keith Hall will join in the round table discussion to answer general questions teams, mentors and coaches might have about the season.  Your questions can be pre-submitted here - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmUjFvjOjpCmoHVpoK_mC3YRyukRTEgbjVd0l6CfywXbOOaQ/viewform

Additionally a Mentor Match-up initiative will be introduced as a way to connect rookie and veteran teams, as well as teams who would like to be mentored with teams who would like to mentor.
FTC Training for Scorekeepers
FTC Volunteers
Overview of setup and operation of FTC scorekeeping system with emphasis on the remote setup.  This is a session meant for league scorekeepers and event organizers, not a session meant for teams.   
How to Be An Ally to LGBTQ+ Students
FRC Outreach Mentoring Leadership FTC
The Rainbow STEM Alliance will be presenting on how to create a more accepting team for your LGBTQ+ students, and how to address the unique challenges these students may have. There will also be an opportunity for a Q&A.
Jon Kentfield and Brian Boehler
How to Win Awards in FTC
Mechanical Electrical & Controls Software Business Marketing Outreach FTC
State Judge Advisors Kevin Osborn and Betsy Baxter introduce FTC teams to the awards offered in FIRST Tech Challenge and talk to teams about what judges are looking for while selecting winners for these awards.  Have any awards questions? As them directly!
Betsy Baxter, Kevin Osborn
Improve your CAD Game with Onshape
FRC Mechanical FTC
Show how Onshape can improve a team's CAD organization get more students involved in the design process. 
Kaia Webb and Alex Henry
Innovation All-Stars
FIRST® Tech Challenge and FIRST® Robotics Competition teams will have the option to participate in an all-new Innovation Challenge where teams will identify a real-world problem or opportunity related to this season’s theme, and design a solution, build a business model, and deliver a remote pitch to compete for advancement. FIRST Senior Mentor Lori Langley has gathered a panel of students who have participated in the FIRST® LEGO® League Innovation Project with great success including patent-pending projects and FIRST Global Innovation Awards. They will answer questions about the innovation challenge and will share strategies for developing a game-changing solution.
Introduction to the Global Innovation Challenge
FRC Business Marketing Outreach FTC
Three of last years Space Cadets won first and second place in Indiana's Innovate WithIN competition,  this year two of us are joining the competition again.  Find out what it takes to take part in the Global Innovation Challenge!
FTC Team 14400 Space Cadets
Maximizing Your Resources - Building Effective FRC Robots With What Ya Got!
FRC Mechanical FTC
Want to learn more about how to squeeze every ounce of competitiveness out of every kind of building environment, from working in a garage to a full-fledged machine shop? This presentation focuses on how to leverage all of the building tools at your disposal to create effective robots that fits your team's goals. This presentation is focused on FRC robot building practices, but lessons learned here can be applied to FTC robots built with some level of custom-machined components.

We'll dive into some success stories, talk about resource management, effective use of COTS parts, and hopefully I won't ramble too much.
Meet the SBOD / 2020 Season Roundtable
FRC Leadership FTC
Hello FINFam! The FIRST Indiana Student Board of Directors (SBOD) would like to invite everyone to come and meet us, talk about our initiatives for the year, and have a discussion with students about the 2020 season. This can include how they’re doing, what they’re excited for, and what they think is in store for them and their teams. Obviously, this year is very different in almost every aspect, but as it continues, the SBOD realizes how important it is to talk to the rest of the students within the FIRST Indiana programs to make their voices heard. 
2020-21 FIRST Indiana Student Board of Directors
Onshape Advanced
FRC Mechanical FTC
A continuation of the basic Onshape session, where we design a more advanced structure. 
Kaia Webb and Alex Henry
Onshape Basics
FRC Mechanical FTC
Basic tutorial on designing with Onshape. No previous CAD experience required.
Kaia Webb and Alex Henry
Picking the Right Motor
FRC Mechanical Electrical & Controls FTC
Ever wonder about how to pick the right motor for a job? Rather than taking a random guess, how would you like to be able to take an educated guess? Come see how to use some straight forward math, manufacturers data, and some very basic knowledge to pick the right motor for the job. This applies to both FRC and FTC. 
Product Design with a Purpose
FRC Mentoring Leadership FTC
creativity + purpose, the two elements in the vector that is product design.
Getting a product to market takes a ruthless focus on the key deliverables, and always keeping the user front of mind. 

Remote Scoring for Teams
Mentoring FTC
Teams can learn how to submit your competition scores using the remote scoring system.  Please view the four team videos about how to use the scoring system prior to the session.  
Rookie Boot Camp
Mechanical Electrical & Controls Business Outreach Mentoring Leadership FTC
Are you new to FTC?  Are you a mentor/coach that needs to learn how to get started and where to find the information you need?  Rookie Boot Camp will get you going!  Learn where to find resources about team management, robot building, products, programming, outreach, events, and more.  
Strategies in Design Presentation
FRC Mechanical Marketing FTC
Successful strategies for technical communication of designs and processes through presentations, documents, and more! 
Swerve Software
FRC Software
Your introduction into how to program swerve from the ground up. Presentation will be going over basic drive train control and swerve pod design. Then we will dive into how to use object oriented programming to structure our swerve software. 
The Challenge: Open Discussion - Keeping Teams engaged throughout the extended FIRST Season
This brainstorming discussion session led by FIN Leadership is open to ALL FIRST Robotics Indiana team Mentors, Coaches and Students!
Bring us your input, thoughts, ideas, etc. for the potential development of fun, exciting, competitive and community initiatives throughout the 2020-21 GAME CHANGERS Season.
We want to hear from you!

Vision Processing Systems in FTC
Electrical & Controls Software FTC
Learn about the two different vision processing systems used in FTC robotics.  Learn when to use each tool and get some tips on how to make the most of them.